Your Data Safe Review- Personal data has been used over the years to benefit few data collection companies. These companies have earned much from the data without the user's consent. Recently customers are now becoming increasingly aware of the worth of their data. It is now more apparent to everyone that personal data is used for targeted marketing. Also, more evidence that the owners of personal data should now start getting, rewarded for their data. Your Data Safe advocates for payment for the personal data collected from the customers.

Your Data Safe has therefore brought a solution that will see the monetization of personal data take place. Let’s see how your data safe is doing this.

Your data safe YDS token review

Your data safe is giving consumers the control of their own data and giving them the value of their data. On the other hand, customers will now be very willing to share more information to the marketers since they will be earning from it.

On Your data safe customers, there are rewarded for their data by use of YDS tokens.

The four key areas of your data safe:

YDS network

Your data safe network will be built by customers creating their own profiles on the platform. The platform will use tokens to reward the user’s profile. The users will be able to control how much data they think should be shared and in turn monetize the data that they have allowed to be used.

User will create an account, verify the account via KYC and or any other verifying alternatives. Then the users will select the companies that they are willing to share their information with. The user has the freedom to add any additional data to their profile. The data will only need to be verified after being added.

User’s earning will be through YDS token. The more data that users add on their profiles the more tokens they will earn. The YDS tokens will be used only on the Your Data Safe platform or any other brand that accepts the tokens for exchange.

Your Data Safe academy

Your Data Safe academy is a platform for education and training for staff companies. Programs such as GDPR and Cybersecurity will be taught to the company’s staff to equip them with relevant knowledge and skills which can be used in their areas of work.

Your Data Safe virtual DPO

YDS virtual DPO will be offering the companies who don’t have data protection officers with the expertise required to manage GDPR compliance of the company. See more of this by reading YDS white paper from here-  YDS Token Whitepaper

Your Data Safe Cloud
YDS cloud will be available for sharing and storage of files. With the blockchain and decentralized storage technologies, the YDS will be able to offer secure storage solution to the user's data. Most importantly the clients will be offered the ability to erase the data and also request for other advanced functions such as data portability.

YDS does not advocate for the use of users data for profit without notifying and compensating the users for their data. It offers a more than a fair way of monetizing user’s data which will benefit the user and the companies that will be using the data.

Total supply of YDS is 741,300,000. You can buy, preorder and discover more about the YDS project by visiting the YDS website at:

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