EthicHub Token Review- P2P Platform connects lenders with Farming communities

EthicHub is a global peer-to-peer decentralized crowdlending platform. It directly connects investors and small producers with groups of small unbanked farmers and all credit goes to blockchain technology as it connects its globally. The benefit of EthicHub is, it gives the opportunity to local node to invest in profit-making projects of agriculture.

Thus giving this opportunity to farmers to access affordable loans and improve their productivity and living standard. The next step is to scale up globally, in order to bring more lenders and borrowers to the platform.

In the Ethic Hub, there are Only-in-Success Fees (except for the exchange). Most of the fee goes to the local node, and the remaining goes to LendingDev, a nonprofit company that manages Ethic Hub. This money will be basically spent into growth, development, and marketing to bring investors to the platform. The profit for both the team and the investors is related to the token that will be the platform’s payment method.

EthicHub token review

In this way the groups of small farmers from developing countries who presently offer to pay high rate of interest for cash loans without leaving record of such payment history, with investors in the markets with excess liquidity, allowing investors to obtain high returns for their money and at the same time, provide better interest rates for farmers. This is only possible due to the difference in the cost of money in their respective economic zones.

The Benefits of EthicHub

There are minimum 2 billion unbanked people and from them, most are agricultural producers and the average financial needs are 792$.

Currently, no other blockchain project with this business model is attacking any niche market.

The use of blockchain technology gives the necessary security and reduces the cost of conventional money transferring.

This is the only positive impact project that focused on unbanked framers with profitable productive activity

A good credit history will give them the opportunity to better credit condition.

The local nodes or the project recruiters are able to make a correct identification and evaluation of the project as they personally know the borrowers and their community.

They only offer benefits when the result of the project is positive.

Guarantee fund that repurchases investors and credit rights are minimizing the risk of default for the investor and allowing an ethical recovery of the debt.

The sections of EthicHub investments.

Investor’s wallet →Loan’s smart contractors →Guarantee fund’s small contract →Farmer’s wallet →Farmer’s representant’s wallet →Exchange →Framers’ representant’s bank account.

In order to give this system a solid structure company needs to build strong trust and relationships so the farmer communities can work easily with the rest of the world.

To prevent this system from corrupting over time like local nodes and asking commissions outside the EthicHub system it is essential to promote a decentralized audit system.

It is intended to verify the goodwill of each part and also to act as an EthicHub marketer and promoter, creating visual content, and sharing their experiences with the rest of the community to assist them with proof of the positive impact of their lending.

EthicHub website-

Telegram group-





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